Types of Packaging for Export

When starting to export goods, there are different aspects that must be taken into account. One of them is the type of packaging you will use, whose objective is to keep your products in the best possible conditions.

As you probably know, the transportation of exports entails various risks, such as impacts, falls, climate changes, infectious microorganisms, among others, which can lead to a poor experience with your product for the end-user.

Therefore, in this blog, we will list some of the most important packaging types in export:

Primary Packaging

Its main function is to store and protect the product with which it comes into direct contact. Therefore, it is important to use materials that preserve the quality of the product without affecting its composition.

The most commonly used materials in this primary packaging, also known as containers, are:

  • Glass
  • Plastic
  • Metal or aluminum

Secondary Packaging

This type of packaging is used to export several primary packages in a single container. Therefore, its objective is to facilitate transportation, provide greater protection, and optimize storage.

Among the most commonly used materials for secondary packaging are:

  • Cardboard
  • Wood

Tertiary Packaging

In this type of packaging, both primary and secondary packaging are contained. They are used for much larger cargo units such as pallets or containers.

Their objective is to group different products to facilitate their transportation and handling, so the materials that best allow this are:

  • Wood
  • Cardboard

Before choosing the packaging for exporting your merchandise, research its characteristics, benefits, disadvantages, and above all, its compatibility with your product. The advice of a customs agency can be very helpful in these cases.

On the other hand, you should also consider the packaging regulations for each type of packaging. You can learn about these standards in the section of the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS).

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